Friday, January 24, 2014

Set Your Mind On Things Above

Team Journal 8, written by Michelle R.

January 11, 2014

I want to start by saying Happy Birthday to my twin, Matthew; I love and miss you!

This morning some people were selling beautiful souvenir items in front of the mission so we spent some time looking at and purchasing what they were selling.

After this we went to a market in Pignon, the town closest to the mission where we are staying. It was crazy, and very crowded. It was however, interesting to see the culture and how people buy and sell things.

In the market, I saw a homeless man, and I think the children were laughing at him. It just broke my heart, seeing this poor, helpless man just sitting there. This trip has opened my eyes to how much we all take for granted. It is so important to be appreciative and thankful for the many blessings God has given us. Pray that God will give us all truly thankful hearts.

Tonight we listened to a concert at the mission. A group of men came and sang beautiful songs of Christ. You could tell of the love they had for Jesus as they sang. These people don't have a lot at all, but they are still happy and so joyful; the reason is Jesus. 

Seeing this, and experiencing the different culture here has helped me spiritually. I've been realizing that we as believers need to think more about eternity because it is very important to be ready for when Jesus comes back. Because the people here have fewer material possessions to distract them, they often think more about eternity than we do. We need to follow their example and set our thoughts on Jesus Christ. Set your affection (mind) on things above, not on things on the earth. Col 3:2

The Day in Pictures 

 Krul boys ready to begin their weekend in the village.

MAF aircraft prepped and waiting.

Bird's eye view.

Turbulence over the mountains.

UCI from above.

"Lima, Lima, Sierra on the ground."

Village ladies selling their handmade souvenirs.

At the once a week Walmart.

Multi-tasking Mom bartering for tomorrow's lunch.

Sifting and selling cornmeal.

The Body Shop.

All kinds of interesting things for sale.

One vendors' neatly organized stand.

A thoroughly patched little shop.

Playing with spice cubes.

How much are your grapefruit?

Pack mule, patiently waiting.

Andy wants honey.

Honey in the honey comb.

Are you done yet?

Hmm.. that back massage feels amazing!

Hair time.

All done.

Snack break with Mom.

It looks like Africa.

A little girl getting her snuggles in.

Cuddle time with Michelle.

Making friends and getting their hair done by the university girls.

Finished looks.

I may skip that shower for tonight.

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