Friday, March 22, 2013

"There's Always Room For One More"

I’m starting to think that’s my husband’s motto. How else did we have 18 people sleeping in our house last night? 

Okay, I admit it. I was a little worried how this was all going to go down. Like, how was I supposed to know how much food to cook? Did I have enough sheets and pillows for everyone? Was there enough floor space to lay out the mattresses? How were we going to transport everyone? Did we have enough chairs to sit on? These thoughts whirled through my mind in the most inopportune times of course; like when I was supposed to be sleeping. But somehow it all worked out fine. 

Here are some photos of our day. 

What better food to make then a giant pot of spaghetti? 

Port au Prince traffic. 

Crowded streets. 

Made it through. 

Relaxing outside. 

New clothes from Oma and Opa! 

Front door shoe collection. 

Eating dinner. 

 A spot to sleep for everyone..

Good night! 


  1. Wow, good for you! Love that shoe picture!

  2. Say hi to my parents! :) Looks like they're off to a good start...
