Saturday, September 8, 2012

Our Happy Anniversary!

Exactly 6 years ago today I married my best friend and the love of my life!

Although neither of us remembered the date till late last night, we're still celebrating today!

When Jason gets home from the airport we are going to the Caribe for super. It's the number one hotel up in Petionville and the food is pretty great! The surroundings are beautiful too! I'm excited!


  1. Happy anniversary to you both. Hope you have a nice day and a very nice evening together. Are you getting a babysitter for tonight?

  2. Happy anniversary!! You both are such an inspiration and such an amazing couple! Love you! (and miss you, but you already know this :)

  3. Happy Anniversary!!! Hope you may enjoy many more!!

    Bert & Hannah

  4. Congratulations you two.
    How was your pumpkin soup?

  5. Happy Anniversary to both of you :-)
    Hope you guys have a wonderful dinner
